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American-Lincoln Parts Manuals

To purchase parts for American Lincoln machines:

1. Reference the part needed from the parts Schematic and Parts List below.
2. Copy the Part Number and paste it into the search window above.
3. Confirm your parts selection and "Add To Cart".

If you do not see your parts list listed below or need technical assistance, email Please include machine model and serial number. American Lincoln Parts Numbers are Interchangeable with Nilfisk, Advance, Clarke and Viper.

91WS - Walk-Behind Sweeper

114RS Sweeper

425LRG Ford Engine

772 Scrubmobile

3366, 3366XP Sweeper

3366XP Power Sweeper

4366XP Models 56516751(Gas), 56516752(LPG), 56516754(Diesel)

6700 IC Sweeper Scrubber

6700 Battery Sweeper Scrubber

7750 IC

7760 Sweeper Before Serial Number 691147

7760 After Serial Number 754318

6150 IC Power Sweeper - After Serial Number 630950

6150 Battery Sweeper - After Serial Number 630950

6150 Power Sweeper Model: 576-508 Special Features Parts List

7730 Models 56515851 (40”), 56515853 (46”)


DF752 - E2BBH Kubota (LP) Engine

DF1005 Kubota (LP) Engine

Encore L26HD

Encore L26HD Cylindrical

Encore 33HD Cylindrical

Encore S28, D28 WB, S33, D33 WB, S38, D38 WB

Encore R Serial Number Beginning With 17875

GM 3.0 Liter Gas-LP Engines

LRG-425 - Build After 2003

MPV 60 Powered Sweeper

S4Q-Y161DP Mitsubishi (Diesel) Engine

SC7730 Sweeper Scrubber

SC7740 Sweeper Scrubber - Before Serial Number 691147

SC7740 Sweeper Scrubber - After Serial Number 691146

SC7750 Battery Sweeper Scrubber

SC7750 IC Sweeper Scrubber

SMART 2000 - Sweeper Scrubber

SPS 4800 Battery Sweeper

SPS 4800 IC Sweeper

SR5730 Models 505-945, 505-946, 505-959


SR7770 HC Scrubber

SC7750 IC Sweeper Scrubber

SR9772 Scrubber

TSG-416 Ford Engine

WG750-LP-CAL Kubota Gas Engine

WG752-E2BBH Gasoline Engine

WG972-E2-KEA-1 Kubota 972 (Gas) Engine

WG972-E2-KEA-1 Kubota 972 (LP) Engine

WG1005 Kubota (Gas) Engine

Z482-EB-SAE-2 Diesel Engine